It's not yet time to evaluate two other groups, come back on ! You'll get all the instructions on this page πŸ™‚

For this last phase, your project is going to face its final evaluation!
A jury, composed of n groups and 1 tutor who have never seen your project, is going to grade your project on several criteria, and you and your group will evaluate the work of others.

The jury will discover your project through its landing page and its documentation, so they must be understandable without your input.

Jury's grade will be divided this way:

  • Professional Evaluation: 50%
  • Peer Evaluation: 50%

Peer Evaluation

You and your group will evaluate the final project (landing page + documentation) of n groups, and yours will be evaluated by n groups as well.

Your group will have to evaluate projects on the following criteria:

Homepage /7

  • The context, target and service are clear
  • The proposal is relevant
  • The homepage targets users and/or investors
  • Presentation of the mockups is appealing

Documentation /7

  • It shows the evolution of the proposal
  • The technologies involved are carefully explained
  • Directions for the continuation of the project are given
  • It targets potential collaborators

UI/UX design /6

  • Information structure is clear and easy to follow
  • Visual hierarchy helps reading the content
  • Navigation is clear and easy to understand
  • The graphic design of the website is appealing and modern
  • The visual identity of the project is visible and coherent
  • Illustrations are relevant and appealing

And your project will be evaluated on the same criteria.

This is a team activity! You have to schedule a meeting with all your team members to evaluate other groups works (without a tutor and without the other groups).

The peer evaluation can be done correctly in ~30 minutes without rushing. Groups that do not complete their peer evaluation on time will be sanctioned.

You have until to complete your evaluations.

Congratulations! You've reached the end of this course πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
You've come a long way and have learned a lot depsite the difficulties, you can be proud of yourselves and what you've accomplished!

Characters from TV series β€˜Friends’ clapping