JS - Conditions

Designing with Web

Yes no, maybe, I don't know…

What's a condition?

In any programming language, code needs to make decisions and carry out actions accordingly depending on different inputs. For example:

In this chapter, we'll explore how conditional structures work in JavaScript.

Condition tree diagram

Conditions are code structures which allow you to test if an expression returns true or false, running alternative code revealed by its result. We can compare values using comparison operators.

Comparison operators

Equality ===

Tests if two values are equal.

console.log( 10 === 10 ); // true
console.log( 10 === 20 ); // false

Inequality !==

Tests whether two values are not equal.

console.log( 10 !== 10 ); // false
console.log( 10 !== 20 ); // true

Greater than >

Tests whether the left operand is strictly superior to the right operand.

console.log( 10 > 5 ); // true
console.log( 10 > 10 ); // false
console.log( 10 > 20 ); // false

Greater than or equal >=

Tests whether the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.

console.log( 10 >= 5 ); // true
console.log( 10 >= 10 ); // true
console.log( 10 >= 20 ); // false

Less than <

Tests whether the left operand is strictly inferior to the right operand.

console.log( 10 < 5 ); // false
console.log( 10 < 10 ); // false
console.log( 10 < 20 ); // true

Less than or equal <=

Tests whether the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.

console.log( 10 <= 5 ); // false
console.log( 10 <= 10 ); // true
console.log( 10 <= 20 ); // true

There also exist == and != operators, but they are not recommended, see Equality comparisons and sameness.

We can also compare strings using these operators: console.log( "Bob" !== "Steve" ); // true
Strings will be compared on their alphabetical order for relational comparisons (>, >=, <, <=)

if statement

Now that we know how to compare 2 values, let's get back to conditions. We're going to use the if keyword to check the result of a comparison and choose what instructions to execute:

We can also use an else statement to add instructions in case our condition is evaluated to false:

You will find below an interactive illustration of a simple if… else conditional. If the mouse position is on the left part of the screen, we return true, otherwise it's false.


The expression inside the if ( … ) is the test: this uses the identity operator (as described above) to compare the variable iceCream with the string chocolate to check if the two are equal. If this comparison returns true, the first block of code is run. If the comparison is not true, the first block is skipped and the second code block, after the else statement, is run instead.

if… else if statement

The if… else if statement is an advanced form of if… else that allows JavaScript to make a correct decision out of several conditions.


We can also have nested conditions, actually the previous example could have been written like this:

switch statement

We can use multiple if… else if statements to perform a multiway branch. However, this is not always the best solution, especially when all of the branches depend on unique values of a single variable. We can use a switch statement which handles exactly this situation, and it does so more efficiently than repeated if… else if statements.

Switch tree diagram

Like else, default case is optional, we can choose to treat only some case and do nothing if conditions are not met, i.e. false.

Sum up

Logical operators can also be used to test combinations of conditions:

  • AND: condition1 && condition2, both conditions need to be true
  • OR: condition1 || condition2, at least one of the conditions needs to be true


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Now that we've seen variables and conditions, every other programming concepts will allow us to write less code, being more concise. Let's move to Repetition Loops.

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