JS - Functions

Designing with Web

sayHi("to functions!");

What are functions?

Functions are a way of packaging a list of instructions that you wish to reuse, you can think of it like a recipes: a list of instructions to follow in a certain order, that you can execute whenever you need.

We've already used a few functions like:

alert( "hi" );
console.log( "hello" );

These functions, alert and console.log, are built into the browser for us to use whenever we desire, and execute a list of instructions to create a popup or print a message in the console. We can create our own functions using the function keyword, followed by a name we choose to describe what our function will be doing, plus parentheses (), and finally brackets { … } that will contain the instructions we want to package:

To execute our function, we need to call its name (like variables) plus parentheses ().
Uncomment line 8 (greetBob();) to invoque its execution.

The names of our functions follow the same naming rules as variables, for a simple reason:
function myFunction() { … } is an abbreviation for var myFunction = function() { … }

Until now, the lecture of our scripts was linear, executing instructions line by line. By using functions, we can organize our code in blocks of instructions and reference them when we need to. For example:

function firstFunction() {
console.log( "first function" );

function secondFunction() {
console.log( "second function" );

firstFunction(); // execute all the instructions in the first function
secondFunction(); // then execute the second
function firstFunction() {
console.log( "first function" );
secondFunction(); // execute the second one, from the first one

function secondFunction() {
console.log( "second function" );

firstFunction(); // call the first function 

In the first example, we call 2 functions one after the other. In the second example, the call to secondFunction is made inside firstFunction. Both examples produce the same result, but in the first one we can choose to execute our functions separately, while in the second, secondFunction will always be called when we execute firstFunction (which is ok if this is what you need). This is up to you to organize your code according to your needs.


Functions often take arguments, these go inside the parentheses. For example, the alert() function makes a pop-up box appear inside the browser window, but we need to give it a string as an argument to tell the function what to write in the pop-up box. Using arguments is another way to re-use parts of our code. It's like having parameters that would slightly affect the result, e.g. an omelette recipes where you put 5 eggs instead of 3. Let's review our previous greeting function and add an argument to it:

The argument name is the same as a variable that takes the value used when our greet function is called: "Emma" for the first call, "Harry" for the second, …

The arguments of a function can only be accessed inside this function, try to print name after the function: console.log( name );

Below you'll find a visual example of a function's behavior. Two arguments called "x" and "y" are passed into drawWhiteCircle which will use them to create a circle at mouse position.


We can also use conditions and loops inside functions:

Functions can take more than one argument, arguments have to be separated by commas ,:

As an example, we're going to write a simple function which takes two numbers as arguments and multiplies them:

Arguments take their values in the order they are specified: firstNumber always takes the first value, secondNumber always take the second value.

We can now use arguments to parameterize our functions and print the result of our functions but what if we want to use the result of our functions, we need one more statement to actually use the result outside of the function: this is the return statement.


The return statement tells the browser to return the value of the variable result so this value can be assigned to a variable outside of the function. This is necessary because variables defined inside functions are only available inside those functions. This is called variable scoping. (Read more on variable scoping).

The return statement must be the last instruction of your function, since it makes the code flow escape of the function.

Add console.log( "test" ); on line 4 and observe if it is executed.

Callback functions

We've seen we can pass whatever we want to a function as an argument, we then need to treat our argument according to what it represents (i.e. doing multiplication if our argument is a number, doing string manipulation if it contains a string…).

We can even pass a function as argument:

Using functions as arguments is particularly useful when we want to execute a function at a given time, or once a function is completed, or at a particular interaction:

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And that's it for functions! The next and last 2 elements we're going to see now will bring us back to the beginning of this course and structuring data, let's start with Arrays.

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